Been thinking about starting your own business?

Been thinking about starting your own business?

Isn’t owning your business the “American Dream.”
There’s no time like the present.

The US Census Bureau just released a report characterizing
business owners without employees.

For instance,
Women owned 42.1% (12.0 million) of the nation’s 28.5 million non-employer businesses (businesses without paid employees)
and had $365.2 billion in receipts in 2021, according to the new Non-employer Statistics by Demographics (NES-D) series
released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Minorities, those classified as any race and ethnic combination other than non-Hispanic and White, owned 37.9% (10.8 million)
of non-employer businesses and had $419.6 billion in receipts. There were a total of 28.5 million nonemployer businesses with
$1.5 trillion in receipts in 2021.

Business owners’ are classified
by urban and rural locations,
by receipt size of firm,
by legal form of organization (e.g., sole proprietorships and partnerships), and
for the 1st time, non-employer business data is provided by county.

Check out the report for details


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